Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kartoffelkloesse halb und halb

from Schw. Maass (Solingen)

1500 g potatoes (about 10-12 med potatoes)
170 g flour (about 1 1/3 C)
flour for forming
2 eggs
1 1/2 L water (for cooking)
3 (180g) tomatoes (garnish)

1. Peel and wash potatoes. Throw 1/2 in a bowl and cover with water and set to the side. Put the rest in a pan with salted water and let cook covered for 20 minutes. Drain the water and let the potatoes sit and cool.

2. Grate the raw potatoes and put in a bowl. Then grate the cooked potatoes too and add to the bowl. Take 2 T away from the flour and place on a plate. Mix the rest in with the potatoes.

3. Add the eggs and a bit of salt. Heat a pan of lightly salted water. Cover hands with flour and use hands to form 5 cm in diameter balls of the potatoes. Roll in flour on plate.

4. Cook in lightly boiling/simmering water for 20 minutes. Take out with a plastic slotted spoon and let drip and set on a warmed plate until all kloesse are cooked.

5. Wash tomatoes and cut into fourths. Garnish and serve immediately.

Prep time 60 minutes. Cook time 20 minutes.

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